Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Sooooo, I'm thinking of shutting this blog down. I'd like to spend more time over on the food blog. It's the direction I want to be going and I use it for submissions...hence the delinkage of this blog from my profile. And since doing that I've noticed the traffic here has been winding to a painful what-is-the-point.

No worries. I'll still be around...just over in food land;o)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Conversations With a 4 Year Old

Watching What Not to Wear:

4 yr old- "Mommy. Someone needs to tell that man to calm down."

Me- "Why?"

4 yr old- "Cause he's a little bit too excited about that woman's clothes."

Me- " Ya?"

4 yr old- "Ya. And I don't even know why. That one with the jacket is just boring."

Monday, March 17, 2008

Kiss Me! I'm Irish...scots and english...

  • Sweet memories. This year I'll be on the couch all by my lonesome. Hubby leaves today. Boo. Hiss.

  • Maybe while he's gone I can perfect some skills. Sexy like.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I must admit

  • brits are the fucking funniest. Seriously. This is the best shit I've seen in a while. Bloody brilliant. On oh so many levels.
  • I feel like a kid in school and every day that my husband is home is a Sunday night. -he leaves again on Monday :o(
  • I am quite proud of myself. I went bathing suit shopping the other day and didn't want to shoot myself after it was over. I actually bought one. And I LIKE it.
  • I got a hair cut. And I feel as though I look like her. Someone told me that once a long time ago. And I never saw it till now.
  • I want something to land on my scanner.
  • I like riddles.
  • nighty night.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

blog readability test

But of course!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Red Faced

I am tired. The hubby isn't going to be home till friday. That'll be 7 weeks that he has been gone. We had anticipated him being home either yesterday or today and I'd done my work schedule accordingly. So now I have to work tonight and tomorrow and am in the midst of arranging for sitters. So far the only option I have for this evening is to be picking up the kids really late. Not a big fan of that. But what's a sorta single mother to do.

Then I went to the gym last night and discovered that they lied to me. Ya I know. Big stretch for a fitness facility. When I first joined I hadn't anticipated needing the day care because Hubby was working here still. So the chick signed me up and told me not to worry about paying the day care fee, that I should just drop the girls a toonie every time I might need to use it. Since then things have changed and with the hubby gone I have to use the day care a lot. So last night I handed the girls two bucks, as usual, and one of them said, "What's this?"

"It's two bucks."

She looked confused and said, "Um, the day care is 3 dollars per hour, per child."

Instantly I could feel my face getting a few degrees hotter. "Why would the chick tell me to drop you a toonie if it's actually 12 bucks a visit? That's 50 bucks a week! And why didn't anyone tell me this until now?"

"Maybe they didn't want to embarrass you ."

Embarrass me? No. Not telling me and being misinformed in the first place is the embarrassment. Letting me pay my shitty little 2 dollars like a cheap bitch who's trying to get away with something is the fucking embarrassment. Face. Getting. Hotter.

So we went to the front desk to page the chick. Of course she is 'busy' and will call me later. I still haven't heard from her. She's lucky. My face has almost returned to it's regular temperature.

Monday, March 03, 2008


  1. You can throw this rule out the window...or just leave it where it fell.
  2. Your mother is a liar.
  3. Go ahead and swallow your gum.
  4. It's probably not the flu.
  5. Disney is dirty. But we already knew that.
  6. It's gross but it's real.
  7. How much do you know?(I'm an expert) Boys, I'll congratulate you now....or is that premature?

Seeing The Light

You were an astounding talent, full of more energy and raw rhythm than I've ever seen. You will be sadly missed and you left us too young. May your heart live on.