Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Facebook Response: re crushes

OMG!! Wanna know who spies on you 24 hours a day? Who peeks in your bathroom window? Who sniffs your garbage? Who is that freak anyhow? Holy shit. All you have to do is hit Ctrl alt F5 Backspace Enter and then forward it to everyone whose middle name ends in the letter e and who has been to Florida at least twice. And if you buy 200 shaved hamsters for the low price of $5 you can have 10 more if you invite 567 of your friends to shave some hamsters too. It's unreal. Try it. I Fucking double dare you. Stamped it. No erasies...unless you add the Dick Cheney App too then it'll only cost you 3 bucks.


platts42 said...

Nice hand. I quite facebook. Too much noise, not enough signal.

Verdant Earl said...

Did you get some spam today? ;)

Kat said...

marrrrk- I'm on it...but finding it more trouble than what it seemed at first.

earl- not. at. all. why ever do you ask? ;o)

Mermaid Melanie said...

i am so confused. but thats no stretch.

Slyde said...

ive never gotten on facebook, and only did myspace for 5 minutes before i got sick of it.

Kat said...

melanie- this case, that's a good thing ;o)

slyde- never bothered with myspace either. Facebook isn't so bad really. Just tired of the funwall spam. I think my email gets enough of that crap.

jiggs said...

you can facebook if you want to. you can facebook your friends behind.

Slyde said...

cause if you dont facebook, then you're no friends of mine..

its the facebook dance!

elizabeth said...

Hey - I left a comment. Where did it go??????????????????


I laughed my ass off at this post and then laughed even harder at the comments..