Thursday, October 26, 2006


This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Maybe we should just strap kids into their desks and play Barney re-runs all day.

So I guess the U.S. really isn't interested in ever winning the World Cup. Nevermind the fact that there are way too many kids who already look like this. Why not some more?

I really feel sorry for all the kids in Western New York this Halloween.

Well. It's about time.

And of all the things that are being banned, why isn't this on the list?


Tits McGee said...

That picture of the fat kids just depressed the hell out of me.

elizabeth said...

No Silly socks? I quit.

But I think the fuel out of dead cats is ace.

Cornelius T. Fish said...

Everywhere you look you see fat kids with helmets, deathly afraid of peanuts, listening to overproduced, corporate, prepackaged music, and destined to become soft, whiny, self-centered adults. It's like I always say, everyone but me is a pussy.......except for my blog buddies....they are as hard as hell.

Kat said...

tits- I promise to make you laugh and forget the fat kids in my next post...promise.

liz- I guess it's better than eating them.

fish- ...but not as hard as CHUCK NORRIS!!!

Cornelius T. Fish said...

Chuck Norris? He's hard BUT he has a blond mustache. You could kick his mustashioed, mullet havin', ass.

Anonymous said...

I'm always sad when teenage boys have bigger boobs than I do.

Also, dead cat fuel?


Kat said...

Madge- no kidding!

Anonymous said...

I think the revival of games at recess could only come from one thing: the regimental march of a disciplined group of kids.

At least, that's what the Republicans want, turning all kids into order obeying and disciplined group of soldiers for their never-ending conquest of Iraq and its oil fields.