Monday, November 27, 2006

Legos vs. Dead Bodies

Apparently she had something very important to build. While this guy desperately needs a new hobby.


Anonymous said...

Little brat probably stole the knife and the bike, too.

Mermaid Melanie said...

oh my god! a seven year old? I saw a five year old kick a bird the other day... Kick A BIRD! and his parents laughed when he did it.

and corpses? the world is in trouble. serious trouble.

elizabeth said...

Kick a bird and the parents laughed? That's bad.
As for the James Bond recreation... well rather that than necrophelia. (did I even come close to spellling that correctly?)I mean that's weird but...oddly funny. Necrophelia - no funny there. None at all. Just ew and yuck. Shockingly ewey and yucky really.

Kat said...

joe- someone needs to give this kid a good dose of hard love.

melanie- "and his parents laughed when he did it." Precisely the problem. Why would they laugh???

liz- I keep wondering though...did these people sign release forms to have their corpes donated to art?

Tits McGee said...

That girl is my new hero.

Anonymous said...

You have to love Florida. You just have to.

Anonymous said...

That kid needs a big hug from a good person, while I kick the sweet holy shit out of her parents for six hours.

If that corps dude is the same guy who did Body Worlds, then I have to say that his exhibits are fantastic. I saw the Body Worlds exhibit and was moved by the complexity and frailty of the human body, as well as the scientific and artistic achievement in the displays. Not only do the people agree to the process, he has a waiting list of volunteers willing to donate their racks upon death.

Anonymous said...

I bet the knife was made out of tinker toys....

and corpse sculptures? where the fuck can THAT be legal?

Kat said...

tits- ...but I wouldn't want to meet her in a dark alley...although she might be good company when travelling down said alley.

lola- a hammer?!! Wow. Sounds gruesome.

madge- gives you that proud, fuzzy feeling inside. Yes?

fish- I'm guessing she has very little to do with her parents. As for the show...must be something if there's a waiting list?

slyde- take a wild guess. Times up. Germany.

Anonymous said...

The world is a wonderful place ... if it wasn't for sh*t like this, it would be so frigging dull, huh? ;)

Thanks for finding stuff like this!

Kat said...

why hellooo there Dan!
small wonders over here, but I try ;o)
Infact, it's about time I fulfilled the "food" part of my blog. Must. get. cookin.

Verdant Earl said...

Why are the Germans so fucked up?

And that little girl rocks!

Anonymous said...

I'm have trouble posting on some blogs. Can you see me!?!

Anonymous said...

What I wanna know is how did she hold on to the two boxes of legos and bike at the same time?! I once saw a guy on a bike with a 7 foot ladder, but he had mad skills. I don't know what kind of mad skills that little shit hooks kid had.

As for the dead boddies...I saw them before at the Science Centre, it was really interesting...but then again, they were not playing poker.

Kat said...

earl- maybe the little girl is german.

moxy- I canne see ya! You just reminded me of an email my brother sent. It had pictures of chinese people carrying just about anything and everything on motorcycles...including a family of 5!

Bugwit said...

When I was 11, two friends and I concocted a complex scheme to steal hundred of dollars in mechanized model tanks from a toy store. Pulled it off, too!

We were fuckers.

Kat said...

buggy- smart fuckers though...and no violence incurred. Sweet.