Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Look At Those Mc-Tit-ilating Eggplant(s) Soup

I know. I know. Soup again. But I love soup. I make great soup. And it's soup season. Soup will keep away the nasty fall change of season colds. Onions for the lungs and cayenne for the mucus. MMMMM MUUUCUS. So, on to the recipe.

Stuff You Have ta Use
1 Large, firm, yet supple and smooth eggplant, peeled and sliced into small quarter inch strips (So they look like french fries)
1 medium onion of spanish descent, diced
2 beefy portobello mushrooms, washed, de-stemmed, de-finned (Use a soup spoon to scoop out those black fins), cut in half then sliced thin
3 cloves garlic, minced
6 tbsp butter
3 tbsp flour
6 cups vegetable stock or broth
1 tsp dried tarragon or 20g of fresh and chopped
1/8 tsp thyme
pinch celery seed
1 tbsp fresh sqeezed lemon juice
cracked pepper and salt to taste
1/4 cup stelline pasta (little tiny stars)

How You Use All the Stuff in perfect harmony, side by side on my piano keyboard, oh lord-why don't we?

Ok. Melt 1/2 your butter in a stockpot. Saute onions and garlic until onions are translucent. Stir in sliced eggplant and add more butter. Let heat for several minutes. Sift flour in and stir. Add your stock immediately. Then add mushrooms, seasonings and pasta. Bring to a boil then reduce and let simmer for 10 minutes. Adjust seasonings to taste. Great as a starter to a Pork or Lamb entree. Or enjoy it for lunch with some rye toast.

your welcome ;o)


Verdant Earl said...

Can I make it without the mushrooms and eggplant? Really the only things food-wise that I despise.

What would you call it then? Pasta soup?

elizabeth said...

Can I make it without the mushrooms and eggplant?
That's creepy. I was just about to say that. No shit.

Bugwit said...

Sounds delicious. I'll be right over!

Kat said...

earl- after your story about marshmallows I'll trust you wouldn't like this.

liz- I should make this for you...you just might like it. The mushrooms you could pick out. But eggplant tends to take on the flavour of the soup, so it's actually rather yummy and worth trying. I honestly used to hate eggplant until I made this recipe. Aaron grew eggplants last year and I felt like I shouldn't waste them, so I made soup. Cmon' you're brave. Yes?

buggy- Yeah! Someone likes the soup :o) I'll mail ya some. Does soup fly?

Tits McGee said...

That be a fine recipe thar, lassy. Clearly, you be a wench at home in the galley.


Kat said...

tits- ARRR! I see ye lost an eye. Me hopes yar protectin' yar tits. Thems the spoils! Now eat yar soup like the bonnie bess y'ar.

lola- It might. Just might. So where's your stew? Today's the perfect day for stew in these parts. Cold and windy day.

Verdant Earl said...

I'm making my famous chicken tortilla soup tonight for the Mom.

Hain't nuthin' better!

Kat said...

mmmm...do tell.
That's one lucky mama you got.