Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Kitchen Is For Cooking, Not Killing.

So it's been a while since I cooked anything for you. I'm not too sure what you kids like to eat. So maybe you could give me some ideas and I'll post your favourites. In the mean time, here are some tips for your everyday kitchen adventures (that's assuming of course that you all know where your kitchen is....ahem, Angela).


~* Don't use sponges. They harbour yucky bugs that'll make the toilet your new best friend. Opt for paper towel and washable dish clothes instead (don't forget to actually wash the clothes. Once every few days is probably best). And find a place to hang that cloth so that it can dry after each use because germies (like most men) enjoy warm, moist, dark places. If you must use sponges or scrubbies, make sure you're letting them dry between uses and tossing them out, at least, weekly.

~* Put a thermometer in your fridge. Ya know, it's always baffled me why thermometers aren't just a part of any cooling appliance, but alas they are not. So. Do you know what temperature your fridge should be operating at? Between 0 and 4 degrees celsius or 40 degrees farenheit.

~* Never ever ever ever never refreeze thawed food. Please no.

~* Entertaining is lovely isn't it? Especially outside in the summer sun. The hot, baking summer sun. And all of those mayonaise laiden salads sitting out, stewing in said sun. The point people? Eating amongst friends does not make you immune to botchulism. Hot foods must remain hot and cold foods must remain cold. Unless of course you like hospitals and funerals, then do as you wish.

~* Finally, store your raw meats on the bottom of your fridge. Nothin' says lovin' like chicken juice in the lettuce.


elizabeth said...

She must actually like us - she's trying to keep us alive (but probably only because she wants us to comment on her blog).

I want a potatoe and ham soup recipe. puhleeeeze?

Kat said...

Yes. Live bloggers are much better than the dead variety.

MMMM. potato soup. I haven't made that in a while and it's an easy one! Once I have everyone's requests I'll begin posting and I'll do yours first lizzy. I usually put cheddar cheese and caramelized onions in mine you like?

Kat said...

hmmm...I've never cooked Haggis before, so the recipe wouldn't be my own. You've probably got the corner on that one. But...I could dig up a shortbread recipe. Will that do? Normally I'd give the Haggis a go...but being pregnant and all, it's just not doin' it for me.

elizabeth said...

I had friends once, and here parents used to cook haggis all the time. It smelled to horrid there is no way in hell I would eat it. And I'm of a Scottish background. But I like other stuff - mostly brown in color - that the Scots eat.

elizabeth said...

potatoe soup has toes in it as well as onions and cheese. (Sorry about the extra "e" - I always do that. Mental block)

Verdant Earl said...

It's funny...when I cook for myself it could be the worst crap in the world, but as long as its easy then I'm happy.

When I cook for others, a tuna-fish sandwich could take me 40 minutes to prepare. Made these awesome burgers (that I saw Rachael Ray cook) the other day for a large get-together at Mom's. Everyone said they have given up on regular burgers from now on and will only settle for a Earl Burger.

You can even make the simple dishes special. So my request...give us something simple that you have put your stamp on.

Tits McGee said...

Me, I like to wash the dishes with a raw chicken breast. I'm trying to build up the kid's immune system.

Bring on the recipes, girl!

Kat said...

earl- hmmm. Here's 2 to pick from: Pesto Salmon with Rice Pilaf or Sausage Penne Arrabbiata.

tits- I don't vaccuum or clean the toilet for the same reason.
Do you like soup? I make a kick ass eggplant and portabello soup with tarragon and shallots. oooo and a butternut squash soup with roasted seeds on top. Yes?

everyone- and for dessert my pumpkin cheesecake with pecan and gingersnap crust.

Kat said...

PS earl...I'm the queen of making something outa nothing...easy doesn't have to mean shitty. Ya just gotta know how to toss it together. It also helps to always have some staples on hand like:

beans or chickpeas-for when the meat is low.

a wide variety of spices- to season even plain old rice.

a selection of oils and vinegars- rice vinegar is awesome in salads. So awesome infact, that if you buy the flavoured or seasoned kind you really only need olive oil and rice vinegar with salt, pepper and fresh garlic for a super awesome dressing.

canned and frozen veggies-for when the fresh is gone or not so fresh.

and dry goods like pasta, rice, flour and nuts- most of these are super cheap to keep a good supply of and nuts make just about any dish seem fancy. For example- even if you've only got lettuce, as long as you've got nuts and oil and rice vinegar- you've got a salad. Add some red onion and tomato and you'd really be stylin'.

Anyhow. I'll some other tips about keepin' it simple and making something outa nothin' when I post your dinner choice.

speed_demon said...

Manufacturers neither put thermometer nor timer in the frig because they want you to spoil your food so you could buy more. Behold, it's the conspiracy between frig manufacturers and food retailers!


Kat said...

I love a good conspiracy. Let's blame the scientologists. Or better yet. It's all Tom Cruise's fault.