Friday, December 16, 2005

Red Wine Lip

So, a dear friend of mine was having an issue with red wine lip. Although it may seem like a disturbing experience, it's nothing more than a robust wine. Want someone to blame for your embarrassing shade of black lip; look no further than the tannin. That's right, this simple little colour and flavour enhancer found in most fruits including red wine grapes is the dirty culprit. If you think your wine has lots of flavour and a bit of a punch, I'd advise you to take a trip to the rest room because it's likely left it's tar-like mark on your lips. So fear not my little winos, for your wine lip is merely a mark of a 'leggy' batch. Drink on!
Want more proof??? (ok fine, don't trust the server who drinks and pours more wine in a day than...well, fine just don't believe me...see for yourself!)


elizabeth said...
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Kat said...

woah there horsey!
just thought it made a good topic
for the blog...wasn't directed at you. Sheesh.