Friday, February 15, 2008


Woke up this morning and opened my mail. I should have taken a Valium first. Shit. So here the hubby is, all the way out west, trying to make us more money but the bills keep getting bigger. We're no further ahead then we were before he started. And that's just to pay the bills. Never mind the debt this work was supposed to be putting a dent in. And never mind the fact that he's so far away and I'm missing him badly.

But I think it's harder for him. He's the one who's not at home. He's the one who's missing his wife and his kids. His youngest is talking at 13 months old and he's missing it: Puppy, Hi, pretty, cracker, apple, E-I-E-I-O, toe-toe, banana and bubble are just a few. And his eldest is old enough to miss him too. I know he's doing a good thing, providing for his family but it breaks my heart to see tears streaming down my 3 year old's face because her daddy isn't here. It makes me think of how hard it is for soldiers and their families to be separated for great lengths of time and space and with the threat of death looming all the while.

On a smaller yet equally shitty note, I am completely LOST. I had missed the second episode because of sheer exhaustion. So on thursday I passed up the 9 o'clock viewing of the third episode to watch two and three back to back on a time shifting channel. There I was with a bowl of freshly popped corn on my lap, chilled beer in one hand and the remote in the other.
Dead air.
Dead fucking air. Not even a spec of snow. Just black. What the mother?
So I called the cable company and some annoyed chick answers, "Cable company answering service, what is your message?"

"Ya. Um. Channel 380 isn't working. It's the only channel on the whole system not working. Do you know why?"

"Um, I'm an ANSWERING SERVICE. I have no idea why. I really can't help you. Do you have a message?"

"(ya. go fuck yourself.) Well it doesn't really do me any good to leave a message for someone later about a show I can't watch now."

I checked back every minute for an hour and a half. Nothing. But of course when I woke up in the morning it worked just fine. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Tits McGee said...


So sorry, sweetheart.

Verdant Earl said...

Kat - the first three episodes are online and free at:

Check 'em out. It's really good this season thus far.

Kat said...

tits- One more week. It's already been a month :o(

earl- Oh this makes me happy! Thanks :o)

elizabeth said...

Um hate to break your happy bubble but I think those might only work for those state side...


Miss you little buggers already.

Verdant Earl said...

Really? is anti-Canadian?

Kat said...

liz- I know. I think we'd make a good couple ;o)

earl- unfortunately yes. Me mad again. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Verdant Earl said...

Howabout iTunes? Do you get that? It's $1.99 an episode, but they are there if you need them.

elizabeth said...

kat - For sure. But we'd have to do something about that thing you do when your sleeping...

earl - can you download itunes to the computer and watch them or do you have to put them on your ipod?

Verdant Earl said...

You can't download straight to your computer...otherwise you might, uh-oh, burn it onto a DVD to share. But you can watch the episode right from iTunes any time after you download it It expands up to the full screen, so it works great.

Slyde puts them on his iPod and then hooks the iPod up to his first TV. You have to get the proper wires, but he swears by it.

Kat said...

itunes. done. :o)

madge said...

i hope your next week goes quickly...

jiggs said...

keep your kitty chin up.

Mermaid Melanie said...

ok. well, i wish i had a daddy helping to provide income. I feel for the soldiers families and your kids too.

I haven't even watched lost yet! is that wrong?