Thursday, March 13, 2008

I must admit

  • brits are the fucking funniest. Seriously. This is the best shit I've seen in a while. Bloody brilliant. On oh so many levels.
  • I feel like a kid in school and every day that my husband is home is a Sunday night. -he leaves again on Monday :o(
  • I am quite proud of myself. I went bathing suit shopping the other day and didn't want to shoot myself after it was over. I actually bought one. And I LIKE it.
  • I got a hair cut. And I feel as though I look like her. Someone told me that once a long time ago. And I never saw it till now.
  • I want something to land on my scanner.
  • I like riddles.
  • nighty night.


Verdant Earl said...

Gia's celeb "other" is Patricia Arquette also. Hmmm.

platts42 said...

Oh la la! She's hot.

Slyde said...

you are much hotter than patricia arquette..

elizabeth said...

Yeah. She is way prettier.

You want something to LAND on your scanner. Like... an alien?

jiggs said...

hooray for bathing suit shopping!!!