Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tagged Again!

This time by my best buddy liz. Not the most specific sort of meme. 6 random things. That's very, well...random.

  1. I sleep on the left side of the bed. Liz discovered this the other night. (go ahead now...)
  2. I am very flexible. I can fold myself in half and put my legs behind my head, but not necessarily in that order. (where is this going?)
  3. I severed the tendon of my right pinky back in the day. We used to put candles in old wine bottles for ambiance. Guess we should have tossed em more often cause the one that slashed me snapped rather easily. My finger nearly fell off.
  4. I play piano. Luckily for me the permanent bend in my injured digit is actually desirable.
  5. I tend to eat in order. Veggies first, then the meat, then the starch. It does vary depending on what I'm eating or my mood. Sometimes I get a little crazy and switch it up. But I rarely mix. Unless of course it's stew, or soup. Kinda already together. Yet oddly enough, mixed foods like pasta are my favourite. It's ok. I'm confused too.
  6. I won a belching contest in grade 8. One guy in the class was soooo jealous that I signed over my certificate. I don't need a stinkin' slip of paper. We both know who won.

No tags here. Move along. Nothing to see here.


Verdant Earl said...

That first one was for Slyde and I, right? ;)

Wait a minute...that second one was for Slyde and I, right?

I have strange eating habits too! I tend to eat from the far side of my plate towards my mouth. I'll even spin the plate to get the most food furthest away.

Kat said...

earl- yes. Yes. YES!

elizabeth said...

I think I should give some kind of explanation for 1 but then again... lol. So, same deal tonight then?

Kat said...

Why sleep alone? Besides, it's about time earl and slyde started dreaming about us...

elizabeth said...

Like perhaps.... a dream about us in a library? cuz that's hawt.