Four hundred years ago people knew little about our
insane universe. They thought that the earth was the
center of the entire sushi and that the sun and all of the
harmonicas revolved around it. But then a/an
Norwegian named Copernicus discovered the truth.
The earth revolves around the pea
6792 times a year.
Copernicus, whose last name was Earl, was born
in Warsaw, and he used one of the first placid
telescopes, which was invented by Kat.
This primitive telescope was little more than two pieces of
Guacamole stuck on each end of a/an toy.
In 1600 an Italian dentist named Galileo
expanded Copernicus's enraged theories, but during the
Inquisition in Italy he was politely arrested. After
sneaking for six months in jail, Galileo was
forced to execute.
Old Mother Hubbard went to the bark
To get her silly sunset a bone.
When she got there, the bed was crazy
And so her indirect dog had none.
Jack and Jill went up the mom
to fetch a/an jug of water.
Jack fell down and broke his gobbledeegoop,
And Jill came tumbling after.
There was a little girl and she had a little curl
Right in the middle of her bus.
And when she was irrelevant, she was very, very snobby,
And when she was bad, she was ridiculous.
There was a accidental woman
who sank in a shoe.
She had so many geese
She didn't know what to do.
Your turn
Four hundred years ago people knew little about our
penisy universe. They thought that the earth was the
center of the entire penis and that the sun and all of the
penises revolved around it. But then a/an
Penopia named Copernicus discovered the truth.
The earth revolves around the penis head
pi times a year.
Copernicus, whose last name was Penis, was born
in Warsaw, and he used one of the first penis-like
telescopes, which was invented by Mr. Dickhead.
This primitive telescope was little more than two pieces of
penis-chow stuck on each end of a/an penis.
In 1600 an Italian Professional Penis named Galileo
expanded Copernicus's Penish theories, but during the
Inquisition in Italy he was penisly arrested. After
fucking for six months in jail, Galileo was
forced to spewing.
Strangely enough, his last name was
ok. i am going to have to wait till monday to attempt that one.
buenos nachos.
SIGH. NOTHING IS WORKING FOR ME TODAY. Evidently my brain isn't either.
marrrrk- penis on the brain?
earl- what a coincidence!
melanie- Ah too bad. It's so much fun!
liz- Seems to be that kind of day all around.
No seriously. I can't get this to work. *stomps foot and rattles computer* ... to no avail.
try it on a different web browser. I use Mozilla Firefox and it works on that. You should get a bunch of consecutive pop ups asking you for nouns and verbs and shit and then it'll show you the whole thing when it's done.
No, I just think penis is a funny word and perfect for madlibs.
coepernicus' last name was Earl? i never knew......
part of mine:
"Old Mother Hubbard went to the coffee
To get her hot baby a bone.
When she got there, the cheese was yellow
And so her silver dog had none."
fun stuff.
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