My new baby girl is already proving the adage that children grow up too fast. She was born at 7lb 10oz and at 8 weeks she is already 14lbs. If you're not familiar with growing babes here's a few comparisons: I was born 7lbs 4oz and didn't reach 14lbs until 4 months of age: My eldest daughter has always been in the 95th percentile for weight and height since her birth at 8lbs 10oz and 21 inches. At 8 weeks she was a 'mere' 13lbs. So. We have a little chub rock on our hands. I just wanna eat her. So with all the money we're saving on having another girl and recycled everything, we are more than spending on our upcoming nuptials. So here's a peek at what's growing, developing and blossoming in our house these days.
Awwwww she's so sweet. Why is a baby 21 inches and not 1 foot 8 or 1' 8''? I asked the girl about this some time ago and she said I was an idiot.
1 foot 9 or 1' 9''.........she was right, I am an idiot.
Love that cake!!!!!
Cute baby too. ;)
Your baby is sweet! That is a really good photo too!
I can't decide which bouquet I like best, but I can never get enough cala lilies . And the dress! Amazing! Its a good price too!
Not only did Green Fish ask me about the way we say the heigh/length of babies, thats bad enough, he woke me up at 8AM to ask me!
fish- I dunno. Some measure in centimetres too. Now. Did you really have to wake up the lady on this one?
paula- thanks lady ;o)
moxy- cala lilies are a must. But I really have to get the right colour. I want them to emulate amber and gold. Ps. you'd better post again soon. cause. well. i said so.
I have heard that in some countries marriage is punishment for shoplifting. is that the case? :)
jiggs- I'm a glutton for punishment...I asked for it ;o)
now THATS a cute baby!
dum dum dum.... wave of babies....
(see latest post)
and i would like your cake, please.
Mmmm. Cake for me. Kisses for baby! Lurves the dress too.
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