Monday, February 26, 2007


Open your eyes
Look then see
Life is sense
sweet smell
of sunlit gardens
Wrap your (self)
(in velvet)
Run run wild
over rocks
through waves
let them guide you
Beat the drum
Beat the drum
Lift your spirit
Listen to the sound of peace
Live your dream


Jennifer said...

To all you peeps out there who don't know this... This poem was written by Kathleen nine years ago - I'm assuming this because she wrote out these beautiful words and framed them for me for my Christmas gift the year we were living together on Tuckett Drive. We were 21. What a crazy year, eh Kath?

P.S. I still have this poem up and on display at home...

elizabeth said...

You forgot to mention drinking...

Verdant Earl said...

I always wrap myself in velvet when I beat my drum, beat my drum.

The poem was about masturbating.


Kat said...

jenn- yes. I think we all could have used a breath of something other than fine assorted smoke.

liz- I never forget booze.

earl- whatever floats yer boat ;o)

Jennifer said...

...I forgot to mention the fine assortment of smoke, the booze, the boys, the music, the pay-check to pay-check, sometimes no paycheck living. Oh... what a great year! :)