Sunday, August 27, 2006

A little bitta Bullshit

Colbert lost to Barry Manilow.

LOST wasn't even nominated and 24 won.

Neuticals. *aka fake animal balls*



Anonymous said...

Lost not being nominated this year still pisses me off....

and big ups to 24's win!

elizabeth said...

I agree with all of you.... now make sure you call before you come over so I can hide my Manilow (Ya - I'm a Fanilow) "Her name was Lola, she was a show girl..." "...there was blood and a single gunshot BUT JUST WHO SHOT WHO? At the Copa Copacabana..." (I'm actually dancing my Copa routine right now)

Kat said...

elohelae- he's a gangly freak.

slyde-...but it beat out the Sopranos too!! Nooooooooo!

liz- you'd better be joking. Or else...or else I'll implant neuticals in you while you're sleeping. Muaw ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa!

Verdant Earl said...

Well, I read a little bit about the process for nominees and winners at the Emmy's this year, and it's not pretty.

After many, many folks pick the top 10 in each category, a blue-ribbon panel pick the top 5. Some of these folks have only watched one episode.

This may explain how the likes of Kevin James, Geena Davis, and Charlie Sheen were nominated.

I refer you to my rant on Slydesblog (now archived) about the Golden Globes for my opinion about award shows.

They is all bullshit!

Kat said...

earl- I so agree! The only one worth watching is the People's Choice. The Academy Awards have to be the worst offenders. It always leaves out comedies. Atleast give them a seperate category and award. What? Because it's funny there is no artistic merit? Bullshit.

platts42 said...

Yes, everyone knows Comedy is not an art form.

Barry Manilow! Fuck that...great presenation by Stewart and Colbert following their loss.

Kat said...

cap'n marrrrk- that was killer eh? Gotta love Colbert for saying what everyone was thinking.

Tits McGee said...

I knew it would be bullshit, given the nominees, but Colbert sucking on Stewart's neck after Stewart was announced the winner? HOT.

Kat said...

Man love is definately sexy.

Verdant Earl said...

Um, no it is not. Thank you!

Kat said...

mrow! down kitty.

By golly, I think I've found a nerve.

Verdant Earl said...

Hey, whatever floats yer boat...I always say. No judgements here!